You can now brag to your all friends that you're taking a class at YALE!!! They are offering an online course, FOR FREE, called "The Science of Well Being." It is the most popular course in the history of the college, and it literally teaches you how to be happier.
According to Business Insider,
Professor Laurie Santos taught „Psychology and the Good Life“ first in spring 2018 in response to concerning levels of student depression, anxiety, and stress. It became the most popular class in Yale’s history and garnered national and international media attention.
Santos‘ course was a blend of abstract and concrete. It combined both positive psychology with the real-life application of behavioral science. It debunked the false notions of what makes people happy (likethe luxury Mercedes-Benz status symbol) and helped students understand the habits they should build to lead truly happier, more fulfilled lives.
I totally signed up as soon as I saw this. I think we could all use a little extra happiness, especially in these crazy times!
The course covers a few basic principles
Misconceptions about happiness
Why our expectations are so bad
How we can overcome our biases
Stuff that really makes us happy
Putting strategies into practice