Here's a huge dose of CUTE for your day- Reid Park Zoo announced they are home to five newborn MEERKATS!!
In the early morning on April 9, animal care professionals on rounds discovered three adult meerkats huddled protectively over a pile of tiny moving legs. They found the pups had been born overnight.
Meerkat pups are largely helpless for the first few weeks of life, born with both eyes and ears shut and very little hair. In meerkat societies, adults share child-rearing roles. “All three adults, who are also first-time parents, are doing an excellent job of parenting,” said Animal Care Supervisor Adam Ramsey. “Both females are nursing, grooming and cuddling the babies to keep them warm.”
I can't wait to see these little babes in person.. not to mention the new baby elephant that was born a couple weeks ago. The zoo is full of cuteness right now!