HOROSCOPE SIGNS: How Libra Season 2022 Affects Your Relationship


(March 21 - April 19)

Aries, we're looking at the 'health' of your relationship at this time. You are someone who enjoys the 'idea' of having a blissful relationship, and while you like to show off the success of your love life to others, you might want to take into consideration that it's best to work on it 'at home' rather than in front of an audience. You and your person will be dealing with some harsh realities, but there is nothing that feels threatening. Success is yours for the asking.


(April 20 - May 20)

Libra season brings you and your partner into a new circle of health and well-being; perhaps this is a result of some new exercise regimen that the two of you have decided to go on. With the summer coming to its official end, you both feel like this is the time to start doing many things together. Expect this season to bring you closer together. Moderation is definitely key during this time, and it will benefit both you and your mate.


(May 21 - June 20)

This Libra season will find both you and your loved one feeling the need for change. You might have been experiencing a little hostility coming from them, and you might even be feeling it yourself. You and your person will feel best in the safe place you've created together: your home. You will realize that this new season is here to give you a second chance, and you'll both want to jump on that opportunity.


(June 21 - July 22)

This one's all about communication for you, Cancer, and that means during Libra season, you need to get it all back on track again with the one you're involved with. Libra season is here to whip you into shape, as it will occur to you both that if you don't put in the effort, everything falls apart. It's your season to build it up again, with the intention of making it last.


(July 23 - August 22)

Libra Sun season comes to you as a blessing, as you've really started to let things become disordered and messy. With the Mercury retrograde taking everything it can get, you feel like things have gotten so far out of hand that you need to step in and reverse the course of action. Also! Pay attention to your partner during this season; they are withering without your love. If you love them, then let them know!


(August 23 - September 22)

As per usual, your expectations are so high during Virgo season, and with Mercury retrograde muting up the volume on that, you are now walking into Libra season feeling disappointed and let down. In love, this means that you need to let go of expectations and feel gratitude for what you do have, which, in your case, is a beautiful love story that needs your participation in it. Love yourself so that you may love your partner fully.


(September 23 - October 22)

You'll feel as though walking into your season instantly lifts you into a better place. You love being social and having a good time with friends. In love and romance, you'll want to be there for your partner, but you have a promise made to yourself and that is to balance your life with spiritual practice as well as romance. You are fortunate enough to have a partner who understands that you need more than romance to balance your own life.


(October 23 - November 21)

Libra season always has a good effect on you, and it usually brings extraordinary energy and light to your life. In love, you see clearly; you want your partnership to last and last, but you are also very interested in balancing this with good work life, as well. You make sure that you are with someone who understands that you have many interests, and you are happy to let them have their space as well. Libra season brings you a healthy balance between work and romance.


(November 22 - December 21)

You have always welcomed Libra season into your world, as it seems to help you balance your wild dreams with your very practical desires. As you pursue some great endeavor at work; you trust them and they trust you, so no matter where you are in the world, you know that your love is true to you, and you to them.


(December 22 - January 19)

You have gone through some very heady changes of recent times, and as the Mercury retrograde slithers off and lets Libra season do its thing, you'll be feeling quite successful about the state of your romantic life. Things may indeed be different, but at least you are still together. The focus is on a healthy approach to solving difficulties that arise during the romance. 'Whatever it takes' is your new motto.


(January 20 - February 18)

Whatever inhibited you in the past is about to let loose in a big way, during Libra season. This is more than likely in regards to physical love and expressing yourself. What you had no interest in just a few short weeks ago now seems like a good idea. Because you are now able to speak up, you are also now able to be heard. With Mercury retrograde in the past, it's as if the sky's the limit, when it comes to you and your love life, during Libra Sun season.


(February 19 - March 20)

As soon as Libra season begins, you'll automatically start to feel introspective, but a sense of compassion will overcome you and you'll be more interested in hearing about what's going on inside your loved one. Your attentiveness will be so appreciated that it will raise their love for you to an even higher level. It's a great season for you both to learn how to ebb and flow with the love you've created.

Source: Yourtango.com

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