Tucson Happenings

Tucson Happenings

All things happening in Tucson


Volunteers Needed for Operation Chillout

Operation Chill Out, The Salvation Army’s heat relief program, will run from June through August on any day the official Tucson forecast is expected to rise to 102 degrees or higher. On those days, bottled water, sunscreen, hats, umbrellas, and other heat relief items will be offered at Santa Rita Park and The Salvation Army Hospitality House.

Operation Chill Out is intended to reduce the risk of exposure, dehydration, heat stroke, and other health risks for people experiencing homelessness. This program also provides a daily location for those experiencing homelessness to connect with resources and learn more about housing options available to them.

Volunteers are needed to ride along with a staff member in our air-conditioned van to distribute cold water, snacks, hygiene supplies, and other heat relief items.

Volunteer Commitment: Flexible, (Monday through Friday only), but we do ask that volunteers try to commit to a particular day and time (if possible) so that we can ensure the success of the program. Volunteers will work between 2-3 hours per shift.

Interested in participating? We hope you’ll consider volunteering for this meaningful project to help neighbors in need! Sign up today at salarmy.us/TucsonOPCHILLOUT

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